Sure, you have a LinkedIn profile, but is it helping you progress? Is it acting as a sales assistant for your professional life? If not, you are missing the boat! Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your professional life, and its essential for it to reflect your experience and skills. While you don’t have to spend tons of time perfecting your profile, you do need to offer up valuable information so that the people who view it get an accurate feel of your strengths and expertise. Here are five amazing hacks to achieve All-Star status and make your LinkedIn…
If you don’t plant the seeds, you will never see the harvest. Josh Turner here. As CEO here at LinkedSelling, it’s my job to serve our clients and those on my team. I want everyone to see this year as the greatest year of their professional and personal life. But doing that doesn’t magically happen. It starts with intention. Anything you achieve this year, begins with intention. I began this year with the intention to help put a strategy in place that helps business owners to consistently stay in front of their best prospects, reaching 70-100% of their target market….
In my line of work, I see a lot of business owners who live under a ton of stress. They have great products and services, but they still aren’t able to enjoy the kind of lives they envisioned when they started their own businesses. For most of them, this is because they don’t have a systematic, consistent process in place to bring in a steady flow of qualified prospects. So one month things are good. They’re busy, and the cash is flowing. The next month, there’s no cash coming in at all, and they’re in a mad dash to find…
Remember when LinkedIn casually strolled onto the social media scene? You’d hear people explain it as, “Like Facebook but without the baby pictures? Like Twitter, but without the profanity.” It was in a league of its own in terms of functionality and sociability and people were pumped. This suave new neighbor was the one and only social media platform created exclusively for professionals – a place for individuals to network and for businesses to grow. Everyone was chomping at the bit to use LinkedIn to target prospects, get clients, build relationships and to connect with fellow professionals who shared the…
If your company is growing, or if you’re already a decent sized business…and you are trying to have more effective meetings, then this video is for you. I recently spent a month looking into how, and when to have the most efficient business meetings. I also wanted to know what kind of meetings produced the best results for my business, or any business really. Here are a few of the books that helped me with my research… – “Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable…About Solving the Most Painful Problems in Business” by Patrick Lencioni – “Meetings Suck” by Cameron…
A lot of people ask me where I think social media and LinkedIn are going. They want to know what the next hottest thing in social media is going to be. I get these type of questions all the time. Whether I’m at a conference, on a podcast, or on the phone with clients….people want to know where social media is headed. If you want to know my opinion on this subject…you can watch my video here. To be completely honest, my answer is that I don’t care that much. I mean if I had my way, LinkedIn would…
Today I wanted to talk about some hiring strategies that will help you to find the “right fit” for your company and its mission and culture. A lot of people ask me what I think is the best way to add somebody to their team. There are two schools of thought when it comes to hiring people. You can watch my video here to learn more. One of these ways is to find a badass hired gun who has the kind of experience you are looking for. This veteran will be off to the races and crushing it as soon…
If you are planning on Launching a Big Marketing Campaign anytime soon…you should absolutely watch this video. I’ll share some of the things we do when we Launch a New Product, Service or Program. These strategies will help you maximize your launch’s effectiveness and save you a lot of headache in the long run. I see some really smart people make the mistake of spending a lot of time building a campaign…only to go Live with it before it is even tested. This takes place in all sorts of industries. When this happens, they realize they should have tested it…
This simple strategy will only take 1% of your time…and it will make a huge difference in the Growth of your Business. We all put a lot of time and energy into getting new clients….but what happens after we get that new client? In this video, I go into detail about we treat our new customers so that we can really take our company to the next level. It’s as simple as creating a Personal Touch after the sale. For example, when somebody is looking to generate More Leads and Market their Business using LinkedIn….they join our program called…
Today I want to talk to you about a simple Strategy that will allow you to Achieve More This Year then you have in the past. I made this Video to show you how you can get a lot of stuff done by doing something very simple every week. When it comes to our work, we’ve all been there…feeling weighted down by all of the Projects, Priorities, and Goals we set for ourselves. Even if you have an army of people behind you, or if it’s just you. Having a seemingly endless To Do list can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there…