How To Make This Your Most Productive Year Ever
Today I want to talk to you about a simple Strategy that will allow you to Achieve More This Year then you have in the past.
I made this Video to show you how you can get a lot of stuff done by doing something very simple every week.
When it comes to our work, we’ve all been there…feeling weighted down by all of the Projects, Priorities, and Goals we set for ourselves.
Even if you have an army of people behind you, or if it’s just you. Having a seemingly endless To Do list can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there is a way to alleviate this feeling and have a massively productive year.
Here’s the strategy that has worked for me and my team…
Instead of focusing on all of the work laid out in front of you…just focus on 1 Significant Project or Goal every week.
Think how much progress you could make over the course of a year, if you started each week by zeroing in on a project that would have the biggest impact on your overall goals. By year’s end you would have a LOT of stuff done.
For example, let’s say you had 25 people working on the business who were either staff, contractors, or partners. If everybody completed a significant project a week…you would have 1,250 projects completed in 1 year. That is an impressive number. I hope you can see the power of thinking about your work, or your team’s work in this way.
Going forward I would suggest that you focus on 1 important thing this week…finish it…and knock it off of your To Do list. Then start building a habit of doing this every week, and before you know it you will be doing some amazing things that will really Move the Needle!
I’m here to answer any questions you have…just comment below and I will help you in any way I can.