Do Mastermind Groups Get REAL Results? (My Experience With One)

I used to poo-poo mastermind groups.
I thought it was little more than a scheme to get people to fork over hard-earned cash in exchange for the right to sit in a room with other fools and share business advice that could be had freely elsewhere.
“I’ve gotten this far on my own. Why not just keep doing the same thing?” And that’s exactly what I planned on doing.
Then one day a friend of mine, Adam Kreitman, told me about an online group full of high-level marketers. When he rattled off a couple of the names…I thought, “wow…those are some serious A players. That might be something worth checking out.”
He told me he’d gotten a lot out of it from an education standpoint. And that he’d even picked up a client as a result of being in the group.
The Next Level Mastermind Group
It was founded and run by Ryan Levesque. You might know Ryan from his bestseller Ask, or his ubiquitous Survey Funnel Formula program/software/methodology.
Expecting this group to cost a lot, I was surprised when Adam told me it costs $179/month normally. At the same time, to be part of an online group for $179/month…it certainly has to deliver some real value. They were running a promotion at the time, and I got in at a low introductory rate to give it a test drive.
I’ve now been part of the group for 10 months. Below are 4 areas that I can specifically link back to strategies that others shared in Next Level Mastermind.
You can decide for yourself if the results have justified the investment in being a part of this group.
4 Ways I’ve Benefited from a Mastermind Group
1. Black Friday Promotion
In 2013, we tried a Black Friday promotion for our training program Linked University, and if memory serves me correctly…we made no more than $2,000 in sales. And we had advertising costs that had to be subtracted from that. It was a lot of work for very little return.
Upon joining Next Level Mastermind in the fall of 2014, one of the first things I had access to was a private training where Ryan and his team gave away their step-by-step Black Friday promotion including the strategy, timeline, pricing, and email copy.
I assumed that we could do no worse than the year before, so I implemented Ryan’s game plan nearly verbatim…but substituting my program and links of course.
$12,474.30 in sales in just 5 days.
What’s even better is that with the growth of our community and programs over the last year…I expect this year’s results to be at least double that.
1 YEAR EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED from Black Friday Promotion: $36,474.30
Looking at the long term…the income we will generate from this one strategy alone will be in the six figures.
2. Post Webinar Email Sequence
We do a lot of webinars. In fact, we have multiple webinars running every single week.
We’ve always done well with webinars, but most of our sales happened ON the webinar itself. On average, we see 70% of sales on the webinar…and then another 30% of sales would come from the replay.
In January of this year, that all changed.
I noticed that a lot of people in the group were using their replays differently. They were leaving them up and available for registrants to watch longer than we were. (In the past we gave people only 24 hours to watch, now it’s a minimum of 3 days, often more like 5-6).
They were also using a unique method of emailing after the webinar to not only promote the replay, but to position the product that was for sale.
But I didn’t just have a birds eye view into the strategy. By being a member of Next Level Mastermind, I had access to the exact copy that others were using. Modifying this approach and the email copy to fit my business, we saw an immediate boost in sales. Now we typically see as many sales off of the replay as we do live on the webinar. Sometimes even more!!!
This has resulted in a minimum of 40% increase in overall sales from our webinar promotions… I estimate this has resulted in an additional $36,523 in average monthly sales over the last 6 months.
These are sales that I simply would not have had without the resources, wisdom, and generosity that you will find in the NLM group.
1 YEAR EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED from Post Webinar Email Sequence: $438,276.00
Again, projecting out multiple years down the road…the numbers start to get pretty massive.
3. $1 Trial
Simply by being a fly on the wall in Next Level Mastermind, I noticed that some of the most successful business owners in the group were offering $1 trials for their products and programs.
The idea is pretty simple. After your main promotion has ended, you reach out to those who didn’t take you up on your original offer and give them a chance to kick the tires for just $1. Businesses of all sorts do this kind of thing, but I had never thought to do it in my business.
With the resources available in the NLM group…I had insight into a few different models. I could see what worked and what didn’t. And got feedback from others on different ideas and ways of going about it. Of course, several people in the group graciously shared their entire blueprint including the email copy they use for their $1 trial promotions.
We started testing this strategy in February 2015, and as you might suspect…it has worked very well. Sure, a decent percentage of people who buy the $1 trial do not stick around. But a lot of them do.
For us, it has generated an additional $11,500 per month (on average) of net revenue (after cancellations).
WOW! Who couldn’t use an additional $11,500 in monthly sales just by making a few minor tweaks?
1 YEAR EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED from $1 Trial: $138,000.00
As with the other strategies, I feel like this was revenue we would have never generated without the help of the awesome community in the NLM group.
4. New Clients
One of the other benefits of being in this group is that people are always asking for help. Not a day goes by that you don’t hear somebody ask something like, “Hey, I need a copywriter for a new project…know anybody?”
or…”Getting ready to launch a new site and need a graphic designer. Hit me up if you or somebody you know is interested!”
And in my case, from time to time a call will go out for advice or assistance with implementing a LinkedIn campaign. Without fail, Ryan and his team are quick to throw my name in the ring whenever this happens. As a result, we now are working with a couple clients that would have never known about me had it not been for the Next Level Mastermind group.
These clients spend an average of $2,400 per month with my company…so we’re talking about some serious revenue!
1 YEAR EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED from New Clients: $57,600.00
These are amazing results, but from what I’ve seen…pretty typical of what people are getting out of this group. Of course, as with anything, to get these kinds of results you have to actually show up and then implement what you learn. But you’re putting in the hours anyways rights? So that probably doesn’t deter you.
Again, my monthly investment in NLM is about the same as going out to dinner.
And if you take JUST these 4 specific areas that I can directly attribute revenue growth to my membership in Next Level Mastermind…
TOTAL 1 YEAR EXPECTED REVENUE GENERATED from Next Level Mastermind: $670,350.30
Seriously, I don’t even need to ask you what you think…of course this is a freakin’ no brainer. At least it is for me. This group has totally changed my perception of what a mastermind group is all about, and the insane value that the RIGHT mastermind group can bring to YOUR business.
Interested in adding $670,000 in revenue? Join a #MastermindGroup Share on XSo I’m sure you can see why I recommend this group any chance I get. Here’s an example of one of my friends who recently joined:
If you and I have a chance to speak, I’d tell you the same thing I told Zion.
How Can You Get in on this Mastermind Group?
This is a group that you must join if you’re generating leads or sales online.
And now is the PERFECT time to join.
For a VERY limited time, Ryan is offering you the opportunity to join for just $1.
The only place you can get access is by clicking here.
For just $1, you can get full access to everything in NLM for a full 7 days. Just in the first 7 days, I personally guarantee you’ll be able to extract a minimum of $5,000 worth of strategies, tactics, and relationships.
My bet is that your experience will be similar to mine. You’ll be so impressed with everything happening in this group, that you’ll want to stay for a long time.
When you start your trial, be sure to introduce yourself to the group and say hi to me (like Zion did above) so I know you’re in!
Here’s the link again for all the details and to lock in your spot:
See you on the inside!
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I’m a technical recruiter in the engineering and maintenance/production areas and I can use help in making more national contacts with hiring managers and HR Managers to obtain direct hire and/or temp to hire assignments. Can you help me with this?
Hey Jay, thanks for reaching out! Shoot an email over to and he’ll explain how we can help. Make sure to include details on what you’re looking for!
Josh, How much is it after the 1st 7 days?
Hey Ellen, it’s $97/month after the first 7 days. I think you would get a ton out of it. Perfect for your business.
Looking forward to sharing in your next webinar and learning how your system works, could work with my engaging, coaching orograms. Thank you.
Hey Keith, that’s awesome! Thanks for reading.