Prospects Archives - Josh Turner - Entreprenuer & Author

Prospects Archives - Josh Turner - Entreprenuer & Author

How to Generate Leads with Scalable Relationship Building

By | Get More Customers, Online Marketing | 2 Comments

What’s better? A cold call, or a call with a prospect who “knows, likes and trusts” you? The answer is clear. But it takes developing relationships to move a cold prospect to this stage.  And relationships take time to build, are one-to-one, and can’t be scaled….or can they? I say they can. Relationships CAN be built in a scalable manner, in mass, with people that you barely even know.  (But trust me, they know who you are.) Use Online Communities for Relationship Building So how’s this done?  The way we do it is by building online communities that attract your…

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6 Step Strategy to Turn a Networking Call into an Effective Sales Call

By | Sales Strategies | 17 Comments

This is an excerpt from my new book Connect which comes out on June 15. Be sure to lock in your free copy today! We’ve all been there. The good ole “networking call.”  And whether or not it’s a call, a coffee, a lunch, or whatever…. …the problem remains the same. How can we turn these networking conversations into productive sales calls? Let’s step back for a second and look at how you might have arrived here.  One approach would be to send a LinkedIn message similar to this one: Danny, I’m trying to get to know my connections on…

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