How to Generate Leads with Scalable Relationship Building

How to Generate Leads with Scalable Relationship Building

How to Generate Leads with Scalable Relationship Building

By | Get More Customers, Online Marketing | 2 Comments

What’s better?

A cold call, or a call with a prospect who “knows, likes and trusts” you?

The answer is clear.

But it takes developing relationships to move a cold prospect to this stage.  And relationships take time to build, are one-to-one, and can’t be scaled….or can they?

I say they can.

Relationships CAN be built in a scalable manner, in mass, with people that you barely even know.  (But trust me, they know who you are.)

Use Online Communities for Relationship Building

So how’s this done?  The way we do it is by building online communities that attract your prospects, usually in the form of a LinkedIn group.

Here are a few examples of groups that we’ve built.


The first thing you have to do is to decide what the focus of your community will be.

Get some quick ideas by taking a look at the groups you’re currently a part of on LinkedIn. Ask yourself, do your prospects hang out in these groups, or do your colleagues and competitors? Most often people are in groups that they relate to, as do their competition. Think about the needs and interests of your target audience, and build a community with that in mind.

The formula is simple.  Provide tremendous value and resource to your prospects.  Create a community that is all about THEM, not you.  In a short amount of time, they’ll come to see you as one of the “good guys.”  Because you’re not trying to sell them.

Then, shortly down the road…when you shoot them a message asking to schedule a call to get to know them better, the hit rate is extraordinarily high.

Why is Relationship Building More Effective This Way?

It’s actually pretty simple.  When you are the owner, manager and moderator of an online community (i.e. LinkedIn group), the members of the community will come to view you as a leader in the space.

People like doing business with people they perceive to be experts or leaders.  When you reach out to them, they’re happy to chat with somebody of your stature.  You’ve taken the time to build a tremendously resourceful community, and because of that, they’ve invited you into their inbox on a daily basis.

People like doing #business w/ people they perceive as experts. Establish your #ThoughtLeadership! Share on X

The associations they have with your brand are extremely positive, and they’re looking forward to being a part of your community for a long time to come.

You’ve achieved all of this with hundreds or thousands of prospects at the same time. The relationships you’ve built open the door to warm conversations that could have never taken place before.

It’s a scalable, repeatable process to generate a consistent volume of leads with qualified prospects.

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