Get Good at These 2 Crucial Things to Ensure Success

Get Good at These 2 Crucial Things to Ensure Your Success

Get Good at These 2 Crucial Things to Ensure Your Success

By | Mindset and Motivation, Online Marketing | 6 Comments
ensure success

As a business owner, the list of things you need to be good at can be intimidating.

With all the noise, recommendations, and gurus out there, sometimes it feels like you have to be an expert at everything.

If you listen to too many people, you’ll be pulled in so many different directions.  Your to-do list becomes a graveyard where good ideas go to die.

Growing a business is as much about determining what NOT to do and what NOT to spend time on, as it is about figuring out what you SHOULD be doing.

Right now I have a to-do list that is too long myself, and I have to pare it down.  So I’ve spent a little time thinking to myself, “What are the key priorities for the long term success of my company?”

Keeping it Simple to Ensure Success

As I look back at the stuff I’ve done, that has gotten us 300% growth every year for the last 3 years… it really comes down to 2 things.

Marketing and Taking Action.

As I look at what has allowed my business to be successful, it’s because we are constantly trying new things in the marketing department.  And we take massive action on the regular.

If you are good at marketing, it can make up for a lot of other sins.  In the short term, good marketing can even make up for a less-than-stellar product.  Long term, that’s a terrible, losing strategy.  But even if your customer churn is way too high, good marketing can keep new ones coming in faster than the ones you lose.

But what does it mean to be “good” at marketing?  Honestly, it means a million different things to a million different people.  My definition: You have to find the things that work for you.  And improve on them.  That’s it.

If you consistently sharpen your sword, your business will grow. Share on X

Why the Needle Might Not be Moving

Most people don’t do that, though.  They bounce from one idea to the next, or they work on bullshit that doesn’t actually move the needle.

They spend time working on operations and processes when they don’t have enough cash coming in and should be spending nearly all of their time on marketing and sales.

I think this is probably the biggest reason why people fail in business.  Because they’d rather dick around with some bullshit admin work than get creative and test new marketing ideas.

And then there’s the group of people that give up before they strike gold.  These people take a little bit of action, but not enough to see it through.

Maybe their to-do list has too many distractions on it.  Or maybe they are just easily defeated.  I don’t know what it is, but I see it all the time.

On the flipside, people who are succeeding and growing their business are constantly looking for areas to improve.

They regularly try new things.  They take lots of action.

And they make marketing a big priority.

Now, what about you?

What do you find moves the needle in your business? And on the flip side, what eats up your time but doesn’t seem to help you grow? Let’s talk about it in the comments.


  • I’m assuming you had my picture sitting on your desk when you wrote this post. Absolutely nailed me. But not anymore. I’m in TAG and that shit is done with.

    Thanks for doing what you do.

  • Very true Josh. Without marketing and sales working well, there won’t be much business to operate!

  • I do feel like I’m being pulled in many different directions. And advertisement, marketing and demographics is Hugh in business. What I’ve learned is actions speaks louder than words. LinkedIn and all my contacts was a Hugh plus for me and my learning curves to this day. I appreciate yours services to me and every member. I listen a lot to everyone, but at the sometime, I feel you gotta take a chance and speak your mind. That’s what I wanna do for veterans, I’m not against the government by any means. What I want them to understand is the difference between loyalty and discipline and etc. I do follow you also and there’s a lot I still have to get done. Research is very vital to this million man veteran march along with this luncheon I’m putting together. My foundation has to start in Des Moines, Iowa and with the grace of GOD, I can go state to state. I’m still a baby in this business and wanting to grow everyday and learn something new everyday. Thank you kindly for your time. And have a blessed day Mr. Turner

  • Phillip Isan says:

    Already a subscriber … No time to do list is to long and have no marketing plan beyond business networking … Yes you are on point: marketing and action to follow up set appointments and build the relationship and then “on board” and start generating revenue…

  • Jovoni Vega says:

    Operations and tedious tasks eliminates productivity and growth.

  • Hi Josh, First — as a very recent enrollee in Linked University — I have to get a handle, through your class on LinkedIn. Then I can concentrate in a more macro manner in building up my business, Stern & Co., get more customers, more online marketing, and other of your suggestions to the right.
    Thanks again.

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