Ryan Farrell, Author at Josh Turner - Entreprenuer & Author

All posts by Ryan Farrell

Take Your Destiny In Your Own Hands

By | Get More Customers, My Journey | 0 Comments

In my line of work, I see a lot of business owners who live under a ton of stress. They have great products and services, but they still aren’t able to enjoy the kind of lives they envisioned when they started their own businesses. For most of them, this is because they don’t have a systematic, consistent process in place to bring in a steady flow of qualified prospects. So one month things are good. They’re busy, and the cash is flowing. The next month, there’s no cash coming in at all, and they’re in a mad dash to find…

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Is LinkedIn Fading? Why Some People Believe it’s Dead, and A HUGE Opportunity We’ve Just Uncovered

By | Get More Customers, Online Marketing, Scale Your Business | 6 Comments

Remember when LinkedIn casually strolled onto the social media scene? You’d hear people explain it as, “Like Facebook but without the baby pictures? Like Twitter, but without the profanity.” It was in a league of its own in terms of functionality and sociability and people were pumped. This suave new neighbor was the one and only social media platform created exclusively for professionals – a place for individuals to network and for businesses to grow. Everyone was chomping at the bit to use LinkedIn to target prospects, get clients, build relationships and to connect with fellow professionals who shared the…

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